Vehicle navigation systems usually simply function by calculating the shortest fastest route over a road network. In contrast,\npedestrian navigation can have more diverse concerns. Pedestrians are not constrained to road/path networks; their route may\ninvolve going into buildings (where accurate satellite locational signals are not available) and they have different priorities, for\nexample, preferring routes that are quieter or more sheltered from the weather. In addition, there are differences in how people are\nbest directed: pedestrians noticing landmarks such as buildings, doors, and steps rather than junctions and sign posts. Landmarks\nexist both indoors and outdoors. A system has been developed that uses quick response (QR) codes affixed to registered landmarks\nallowing users to localise themselves with respect to their route and with navigational instructions given in terms of these landmarks.\nIn addition, the system includes images of each landmark helping users to navigate visually in addition to through textual\ninstructions and route maps. The system runs on a mobile device; the users use the device�s camera to register each landmark�s\nQR code and so update their position (particularly indoors) and progress through the route itinerary.